Death……Bitter Truth

What is death really? If any one ask me to describe it in one word, then I would say ‘Beginning’. The most common answers and also true in some context, i.e. ‘End’ which may be of an era, of a civilization, and most commonly  for a person. Death is a Bitter and Harsh reality of our Universe. If something came  into existence will always have an End. An end which is always full of pain, sorrow, grief  and agony, there are lots of synonyms which will describe this loss in words. We all are so much aware of this reality that this day will come when everything which we know and love will die. But still why we people feel so much of a pain


Let me tell you why we feel that pain, it’s all game of words, you guys know what I’m saying. Death word, it comes up with the feeling of agony and sorrow and emptiness. New Beginning a fresh start fill us with the new energy and excitement, which bring a smile on each and everyone’s face. So instead of using Death we can use a word which will help us to arose ourselves from that pain of losing something which we loved a lot. Along with the game of words how our Mind is responding to when we lose our loved one is also one of the reasons which make Death so painful. Our Mind always responds in sorrow and pain when we lose our loved ones. It is hard for our Brain to accept it in reality and because of which it releases toxic  (not in a literal meaning, used to describe its impact on us) feelings like agony.

mind reacts on losing loved ones

Again coming back to what Death is, we need to dig a little deeper. Don’t you worry guys I will keep it simple and short. From our Science facts to religious preaching everyone is saying the same thing about Death. Death is not an end its a transformation of old into new (for an era or civilization), transformation of an energy (for living things like us). Yes, Energy transforms from one’s body into another. As our Religious preaching says about Souls- souls are what? A form of energy, Souls never dies and they always take up new form i.e. body. And what we know from our Science class is that Energy never dies, it transform from one form to another. So from now whenever you encounter with the Souls, never get petrified of it .Now we can conclude that Death is just a stage where this transformation takes place.

If I really want to sum up about this blog on Death….. Bitter truth which is actually a myth for me it will be like this….

Death it’s never an End it’s always a new Beginning

by Aishwarya  😉


Please do share your ideas on Death in comments 🙂

16 thoughts on “Death……Bitter Truth

  1. We are in the infinite journey, there is a beginning but no end, life and death are only a different milestones, life mean entry in a new phase or world, death means transfer from one to another world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very Beautiful Expression. Consise yet Captivating. Its the hidden reality.. although a tough & sad one for us..but yes.. your article beautifully gives it a new perspective. Great job, You really See what the world does not usually Sees. Keep it up dear! (Y)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very Beautiful Expression. Consise yet Captivating. Its the hidden reality.. although a tough & sad one for us..but yes.. your article beautifully gives it a new perspective. Great job, You really See what the world does not usually Sees. Keep it up! (Y)


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